Joanna has generously donated a critique of your first 25 pages and query, plus a 30 minute phone call; it’s a Tier 4 ($500 raised) prize! Check out all our prizes here.
Did you find your way here without any prior information about the Mighty Pens, how to win said prizes, or why we’re writing NaNo this year? For that last one, the answer is–We Need Diverse Books. For everything else, learn more about us here…and then sign up to join us, raise money to fight book banning, and win sweet prizes like this critique and call.

Joanna is a literary agent, president and founder of New Leaf Literary & Media Inc. Joanna represents all brands of fiction (commercial, literary and genre) and has a soft spot for speculative and/or fantastical elements. On the non-fiction side she tends toward all things geek-related, general pop-culture, pop-science and narrative non-fiction featuring interesting and powerful women. Across the board, she’s looking for anything that highlights under-represented voices, both real and fictional.
For more information check out New Leaf’s website or find her on Twitter/X: @JoSVolpe and Instagram: @josvolpe.
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